27 September, 2014

Eclectic Home: Bulk Hamburger Storage

Being pressed for cash means trying to find innovative ways to save money.  While I know that buying hamburger in bulk is often cheaper than buying it one pound at a time, I stuck with buying small amounts frequently for far too long.  It was better, I reasoned.  If I bought more meat I would have to thaw it all at the same time, and then try to use it all up or re-freeze the leftovers (which isn't very good for the meat).  I could separate it into different freezer bags, but freezer bags are expensive and I don't want to waste them.

I finally figured out a way to store hamburger without very much waste.  And you can re-use your freezer bags, meaning less money is spent on pricey bags!

1.  Separate hamburger.  I usually separate mine into half-pound balls because that's easiest for me (also because my hands are kind of small and that's how much meat will fit in them).
2.  Put each ball of hamburger in its own individual sandwich bag.  I paid $1 for a box of 200 of these sandwich bags--much easier and cheaper than freezer bags!
3.  Put each sandwich bag into a freezer bag.  Mine hold nine half-pound hamburger balls.
4.  Label your bag, if you want to.  Pop it in the freezer.
5.  When you need to thaw your hamburger, remove the appropriate number of sandwich bags and thaw!

This can also be used for chicken, pork, fish, or just about anything else!